Friday, January 8, 2010

I heart faces contest | Mocksville Natural Light Childrens Photographer

I heart faces is celebrating their first birthday and I thought it would be fun to participate in the weekly contest.  This week's challenge is to put our best face forward. A face we captured sometime in the last two months, to really show where we are right now in our photography......... I thought this picture of "L" would be perfect since it is the first shot with my new 85mm lens, I love his blue eyes in this one!!!


About This Blog

My name is Wendy, and you have found my photography blog! Thank you so much for visiting. On my blog you will find sneak peeks from recent sessions and some of my favorite photos. Leave me a comment and let me know what you think. If you would like to schedule a session you can contact me at You can view my website at

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