Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I heart faces - Kissing! | Statesville Childrens Photographer

This weeks challenge is "kissing"  I would so love to have the perfect kissing picture of L and M, but this one will have to do.  It will always remind me of the days when kissing meant squishing your face on sissy. He has learned to give a slightly better kiss these days............ now he can make it "smack" at least.  :) 
Check out all the other super cute entries at I heart faces! 


About This Blog

My name is Wendy, and you have found my photography blog! Thank you so much for visiting. On my blog you will find sneak peeks from recent sessions and some of my favorite photos. Leave me a comment and let me know what you think. If you would like to schedule a session you can contact me at wendyf209@yahoo.com. You can view my website at wendyfreemanphotography.com


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