Monday, February 8, 2010

Perfect Pair | Mooresville Engagement Photographer

I didn't think the weather was going to hold out for today's shoot, but it turned out to be such a beautiful super bowl sunday!  I have known M since the day I moved to Statesville, so I was absolutely thrilled when she asked me to shoot her wedding and do some engagement pics for her and S.  I am so happy that M finally found her perfect match in S, they are a great couple and I can't wait to shoot the wedding next month! 
Check out the fun we had downtown... 

And my favorite....... I think.


Skippy February 09, 2010 8:00 PM  

These pictures are great. Congrats to Mitzie and Stephen

About This Blog

My name is Wendy, and you have found my photography blog! Thank you so much for visiting. On my blog you will find sneak peeks from recent sessions and some of my favorite photos. Leave me a comment and let me know what you think. If you would like to schedule a session you can contact me at You can view my website at

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